Guides join Enduro Ranch because they genuinely enjoy sharing their passion for amazing experiences with riders of all levels. It’s not about accolades, impressing you with their speed or scaring your boots off with terrain that’s well beyond your comfort zone. This is about your ride.

We’re here for the first timer and the extremely advanced. Every ride is tailored, so you experience more of what you love on the journey.

Our idea of “leading the way” includes letting you acclimate, giving you room to go as fast and hard as you want, as well as pause to take in eye-opening scenery. It also means going through the legal permitting process for US Forest Service and BLM lands, as well as doing our part to stay on the trail and leave places better than we found them. Yes, we run legit.

Any time you’re ready to push out of your comfort zone, Enduro Ranch guides will be right there, coaching you, encouraging you and cheering you on. And, don’t let the soft talk fool you, if you want to rally the gnar, Enduro Ranch Guides will happily guarantee that you’ll end your journey spent.


Ride More Places Better . . . with Enduro Ranch Guides.

Picture of snowboarder and dirtbiker Brett Johnson

Brett Johnson


Growing up in the foothills of C. Springs, Founder, Brett Johnson, has been fortunate to be on the leading edge of outdoor sports prior to the term “singletrack” or “extreme”. Beginning in bmx and motocross racing, Brett transferred his love for air, flow and pioneering into a career in snowboarding as a professional rider, product designer and animator. Highlights include building the 1st permanent US snowboard park at Breck, appearing in films and mags, and the making of G.I. Joe Vs. Ski Fun Ken Doll the iconic Crusty Demos of Dirt films.

After a 15 year hiatus from moto and Colorado, Brett returned home ready to ride. But even with digital maps and miles of nearby trails, exactly what and how to ride for enduro was an elusive. Thus, in 2016 Enduro Ranch was born. With the help of friends, like-minded instructors, guides, and riders interested in Riding More Places Better, the company has grown to consistently provide instruction and legitimate guiding throughout Colorado and Utah.

Portrait of Ian Leeming hanging out and smiling.

Ian Leeming

Guide | Instructor

Ian started riding because he loved being outdoors, seeing new places, and developing friendships. Off-road riding teaches skills that translate to many aspects of life; independence, awareness, preparedness and enjoying everything vast and minute about nature. Ian’s a firm believer that sharing a day on the trail with someone creates lasting memories. He has deep knowledge and passion for Western Slope of Colorado and Eastern Utah trail systems and an exceptional sense for matching a rider’s ability with suitable terrain. “Everyone has their own style and pace of what they enjoy in life”, an approach that elevates the overall quality of your experience. First Timer to Expert, he’ll confidently create a tour that you’ll enjoy and likely want to replicate again and again!
Ian competes in 45A class of the RMEC series, and carried the #1 plate in Sr. ADV of RMTA (Rocky Mountain Trials Association) in 2019.
Ian’s the Head Honcho of our Western Slope base near Peach Valley OHV and is available for single-day, multiple-day off-road tours and enduro or trials instruction.
Headshot photo of a smiling Russell Sandquist dirtbike guide, fabricator and general hero.

Russell Sandquist

Guide | Instructor | Fabricator

Russell Sandquist is a seasoned veteran of dirtbiking and off roading. From the sands of Baja, to the hills of Peru, Russell has ridden, conquered and accomplished on two wheels and is still charging. If you’re ever in a pinch, Russell is the guy you want with in your group. He’s a genius at making things work, helping people ride better and finding your way to the best spots, and back. Enduro Ranch wouldn’t be thriving if it weren’t for this hero. 

Picture of smiling Kat Fitzpatrick

Kat Fitzpatrick

Guide | Instructor

Kat Fitzpatrick is a lifer when it comes to offroading. Out on the trail with Kat you’ll find yourself learning, laughing and wondering how she can get over all those obstacles so fast. Kat’s known for her work with the Colorado 500, brilliant Instagram posts and fantastic smile.  

Picture of Andy Lee in dirtbike gear.

Andrew Lee

Guide | Instructor

From Technical enduro, MX tracks, & wide open deserts, to mellow sightseeing missions, Andrew’s turned countless people on to the joys of riding dirtbikes. As a former Director of Kids Programming for Lake County, Andy understands, first hand, the balance and nuances of working with youth and parents to provide first-rate amazing experiences.

His riding and mechanical fluency help keep riders of any level geared up and dialed in for their ride. And, as a 22 year Leadville resident, Andy’s intimate knowledge of Colorado’s trail systems gives riders the opportunity cruise miles of Colorado’s diverse terrain or tackle the high country’s gnarliest trails.

Keith Wineland points of screen.

Keith Wineland

Trials and Enduro Instructor

“Keith could come out of retirement and still finish top 5 at any Nationals event.” That’s how Keith is described by his peers. On top of that, Keith Wineland is an amazing coach and person. Keith has a knack for being able to dazzle you with his skills AND translate your efforts into actionable insights that will help you achieve your goals.

Look for Keith to teach at the Log-A-Thons,  Spring Tune-Ups and Wednesday night trials and Level Up courses. You’ll ride away feeling more skilled and confident. 

Photo of Wes Deitz smiling

Wes Deitz

Guide | Cinematographer

Many know Wes Deitz from his IG handle, @nopro_heros. One look at his work and you’ll notice Wes rides . . . alot. Having Wes on a trip means not only that you’ll have another cool head to help you make your way through amazing terrain, but you’ll also be capturing many epic moments of your journey on camera.

Kevin Busch

Guide | Instructor

In all fairness we can’t list Kevin as a guide or instructor without mentioning Michele, they really come as a duo. Though extensive, their list of accolades doesn’t do them justice. They’re just amazing people full of greatness. 

Kevin is a veteran trials rider and baja racer. They’ll be racing the NORRA Mexican 1000 again this year at the end of May and Kevin will be pursuing another Expert overall #1 plate in the RMTA. Think about it, a guy who rides an XR650 with his girl across the sandy rollers of Baja at speed AND competes on an ultra-light braap bike in trials.

Probably has a few tips, if you ask. 

Picture of Troy Wallace at RAM Off Road Park.

Troy Wallace

Guide | Instructor

A Colorado native Troy started riding in the 70’s on a Honda MR50 (3-speed with a clutch) and learned to trail ride on a family ranch outside Cripple Creek, CO.

The motorcycle bug stuck with him until he switched from motocross to jetski racing in the late 80’s. Troy jumped back into the motorcycles in the early 2000’s and has been on a roll ever since.

After honing his skills off road on a dirt bike, he moved up to adventure bikes. He’s logged thousands of miles off road in Baja, Colorado, New Mexico and Moab and is known to have an obsession for all things motorcycle.

Evan Manniko


At 16, Evan had already ridden for 13 years and took home the #1 Jr. Trials plate in Colorado. Nobody can say he cheated by having a dad who’s won multiple NATC Expert Trials championships and professional podium seasons, but, it may have helped a bit. We can all stand to learn how to ride better from this young chap. And, likely more of value, is learning from Evan’s thoughtful, concise and warm teaching style. Chill and observant in his coaching style Evan’s approachable and insightful. Kids and adults continually let us know how much the appreciated their experience learning from Evan.


From a technique standpoint Evan’s consistency is striking. You’ll be stunned when he goes into Demo Mode. Evan won’t just get it right to set an example, he’ll do it exactly the same . . . every time. It’s a true showing of his expertise in the discipline. We’re always pushing to spend more time on and enduro bike but he somehow manages to come out and keep the pace on a Factory Sherco trials bike. 

John Donakowski


Born and raised in the Sierra Nevadas of Nor Cal, John Donakowski was next door neighbors with 60,000 acres of Stanislaus National Forest. Circa age 9 he rallied his first ride, a Honda CT70. Soon he’d requisition his old man’s 250 Elsinore.

John loves everything riding; pre testing, prep, route planning and getting all the gear together, as well as ride pre-stoke and on through post ride memorable stories. John’s an experienced large group honcho, organizing and corralling rides in places like Northern California, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, Wyoming, and Colorado mountains. 

Favorite trail: White Rim Trail Moab
Favorite riders: Johnny Cambell, Ricky Johnson, Graham Jarvis, Travis Pastrana
Favorite quote: “Anything that gets your blood racing is probably worth doing” Hunter S Thompson

Let’s get you to the kind of ride you want.

Fill out the information below and we’ll be sure to get back in touch with you asap. Or you can just give a call (970)315-2616.

Ride With Enduro Ranch

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